
Department of Airworthiness - SAR
Notice of Proposed Regulation issued to Airworthiness Directives
The NPR-AD if the legal document issued previously to an AD, with the purpose of alert the interested public about the proposition of the issuance of an AD, and make possible the issuance of comments about the technical contents of the proposed AD.
The NPR-AD usually has a deadline of 30 days from its issuance to comments to be sent.
EFFECTIVE Brazilian NPR-AD in effect, suspended or not issued as a Brazilian AD yet
TOTAL Total amount of NPR-AD issued (effective and closed)
Manufacturers Brazilian NPR-AD closed, listed per Manufacturer/Model of Aeronautical Product

NOTE: Once a Brazilian NPR-AD become an AD, its text become not available for consulting.
Last Modified: 17 Jan. 2025

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